CT and MR scans

Both of these techniques are complementary to each other and the decision to use one or the other would depend on the condition under investigations. Group members have subspecialist expertise in tailoring these scans to each patient’s specific requirements and interpreting the images to guide further management.

Common indications for Head and Neck CT/MR are:

  • Evaluation of patients with chronic sinusitis
  • Assessment of facial pain
  • Assessment of anosmia (loss of smell)
  • Investigation for hearing loss
  • Investigation for tinnitus
  • Assesment of the extent of lumps and bumps
  • Evaluation of malignant lesions
  • Assessment of anosmia (loss of sense of smell)
  • Investigation for hearing loss
  • Investigation for tinnitus
  • Assesment of the extent of lumps and bumps
  • Evaluation of malignant lesions